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  • JRCC East Thornhill Community Mikva

    7616 Yonge St. Thornhill, ON L4J 1V9

    Men's Mikva - Membership Form

  • Hours of Operation:
    - Weekdays: 5:30am to 9am.
    - Erev Shabbos & Yom Tov: 12:00pm till half an hour before candle lighting*
    - Shabbos & Yom Tov: 8am to 10am.
    *This Mikva is used for Women on Friday night and Yom Tov and needs clean up before that.

    Credit Card

    1. Members will receive a Fob that will work during the hours of Operation.

    2. Fob is for the exclusive use of the member it was issued to.

    3. Towels will normally be provided. *Daily users are asked to hang and reuse during the week.

    4. The Mikva is not to be used for Kelim.

    5. Regular users can receive a hook in the closet to keep belonging. (soap, spray, etc).

    6. no belongings shall be left in the dressing room or public space.

    7. first year membership will be pro rated to Dec. 31, and renewed annually.

    8. Mikva one time use cost $6, Erev Shabbos & Yom Tov is $10, Erev Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur is each $20.

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