JRCC East Thornhill
Bar Mitzvah Club
Discover what Bar Mitzvah is all about! Learn to read the Torah! Join the Club!
The Bar Mitzvah programs offers a group settings and one-on-one tutoring to prepare for reading the Torah and donning tefillin. The Bar Mitzvah program is open to all, regardless of whether or not you will be celebrating your Bar Mitzvah at a JRCC synagogue.
Our Program
In Judaism, turning 13 is very important: it’s when you become Bar Mitzvah—a Jewish adult. The goal of the Bar Mitzvah club is to teach you all about this stage of your life and why it’s so important.
The club will incorporate Hebrew reading, how to put on Tefillin, and prepare each child to read their individual portion of the Torah. Each club meeting will combine education and fun.
In addition to the club, which meets once a week, there will be a trip or event a few times over the year and a special Friday night dinner focused on Bar Mitzvah boys. But most of all, you will learn about what it really means to be Jewish, and why the most important Jewish teen in the world is…you.
There is a lot to get done in preparation for a boy's Bar Mitzvah. JRCC East Thornhill Bar Mitzvah program combines group learning and individual Hebrew reading lessons to make a boy's entrance into Jewish manhood enjoyable and meaningful.
Club Meetings
Club meetings are held:
at JRCC East Thornhill - 7608 Yonge St. #3. on Wednesdays from 5:45 PM to 7:00 PM. with Rabbi Mendel Zaltzman.
the Calendar of meetings is the same as the JRCC East Thornhill Hebrew school.